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Discernir la vocación con san Agustín - ENGLISH.png

Many people report that they came to discover their vocation thanks to the witness of someone who touched their heart.

St. Augustine knows how to arrive at the heart because he speaks from the heart and shares his way of searching spontaneously. 

Vocation animation is becoming more and more a permanent pastoral action in Christian communities. This permanent pastoral action is entrusted, above all, the task of vocation sowing, vocation accompaniment, and vocation discernment

With the purpose of adding to this pastoral care of vocations, the following pedagogical resources are made available to help in the process of vocation discernment based on the vocation experience of St. Augustine.

How to get from the airport
to Colegio Agustiniano de Madrid?

How to get from the Colegio Agustiniano in Madrid to the Augustinian residence in Salamanca?

Do you know the locations where we will be during the JAR Synod, JMJAR and WYD?

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Recollect Augustinian Youth

International Headquarters

Viale dell' Astronomia, 27 | 00144 Rome | Italia

©2023 Curia general OAR |

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